
Showing posts from February, 2014

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January 31, 2014 IRS 2013 has shocking anomalies defying logic The following is the text of the statement issued by leading publications on the Indian Readership Survey (IRS 2013). We, the leading newspapers of the country, condemn the newly p... » January 31, 2014 IRS 2013 — a survey riddled with errors The Indian Readership Survey 2013, which has come out with estimates of the readership of various newspapers is, in relation to The Hindu, so riddled with inconsistencies and with findings that de... » January 28, 2014 Whose journalism is it anyway? Journalists of Bastar are often exposed to serious security threats by Maoists who want to release a statement or by the police who want to gather information » January 20, 2014 World's mirrors The papers are instrumental in bringing the world within our reach every morning. I think most of you understood what am I speaking about. Yes! The newspapers. A newspaper is a mirror of the world... »

Best Top Ten Songs Lyrics

1 Man In The Mirror - Michael Jackson +131 I'm gonna make a change For once in my life It gonna feel real good Gonna make difference Gonna make it right.. I love this song! Michael Jackson, you're the best man in the world.. ! thumbs up thumbs down +29 "Man in the Mirror". Michael the musical prophet and genius at work. I loved to see him perform this song. He sang this with all his heart and sole... love him xo thumbs up thumbs down love4mjj +22 Michael sang this song with such depth and true honesty. You can't deny this song as the best lyrics. He wrote this song from the very bottom of his heart and he wanted people to hear the message... true love of his art and his lifes work... love xo thumbs up thumbs down love4mjj More comments about Man In The Mirror - Michael Jackson Listen to sample 2 There's Never a Forever Thing - A-ha Dearest... Dry y

Amusing Jokes

A flea and a fly in aflue were imprisoned so what could they do? said the fly,"let us flee." said the flea;"let us fly." so they flew through a flaw in the flue. Alex:Mom, i think it's time I got an allowance. Mother:How about I give you double what I give tyour little brother,matt? Alex:But Matt gets zero allowence. Mother:Okey,so i'll give you triple. "What are you drawing ,honey?" "A picture of God." "But no one knows what God looks like." "They will when I'm finished with this." "My brother has laryngitis,so he's talking with his hands." "Is that why he's snapping his fingers?" "Yeah,he has the hiccups." 5.Mother:Jimmy,your ear is bleeding! Jimmy:I know,I accidentally bit it. Mother:How could you bite your own ear? Jimmy:I was standing on a chair. Troy:Hey,what time does your new watch say? Jimmy:It doesn't s

Small stories about On The Way To The Sun

He had journeyed a long way, and was very tired. It seemed like a dream when he stood up after a sleep in the field, and looked over the wall, and saw the garden, and the flowers, and the children playing all about. He looked at the long road behind him, at the dark wood and the barren hills; it was the world to which he belonged. He looked at the garden before him, at the big house, and the terrace, and the steps that led down to the smooth lawn—it was the world which belonged to the children.  "Poor boy," said the elder child, "I will get you something to eat."  "But where did he come from?" the gardener asked.  "We do not know," the child answered; "but he is very hungry, and mother says we may give him some food."  "I will take him some milk," said the little one; in one hand she carried a mug and with the other she pulled along her little broken cart.  "But what is he called?" asked the gardener.  "We do

William lyrics

Four in the morning the sidewalk's asleep Dogs on the porch and spiders on the leaf Shipwrecked by night, sailing through days Nobody noticed the slipping away Connecting the dots with thorns in his side Boarded up the windows with pain and with pride The music box broken that once was his soul It's sad little song spinning out of control Then came the storm that washed the roads out Closed both his eyes and pointed straight south Second line drums marched into the sea While the clouds overhead cried mutiny They parted for Cathy and her bitter news As her words failed, the sky grew dim Recalled how close to that exit I've been Ours not to reply, ours not to reason why Well, the news about William The lifeline retreats, the desire for the breeze The thorns in his side Songwriters JOEY BURNS, JOHN BURNS, JOHN CONVERTINO Read more: Calexico - The News About William Lyrics | MetroLyrics

Different Lyrics by Robbie Williams

When I look you in the eyes, Something deep inside me dies, 'cause I know you won't get better, better, better You'd rather be right than be loved, The only thing I've understood Nothing's ever good enough. I stumble through the words as they're leaving me, Tremble at the sight of Your Majesty, And I cut myself just to get them out. This time I'll be different, I promise you, This time I'll be special, you know I will, Just don't leave with me in your eyes. This time I'll be better, I want you to know, This time I'll be special, oh God, make it so, Just don't leave with me in your eyes, your eyes, your eyes You took my youth, you took my health, And if you're not here I'll fight myself You're supposed to make this better, better, better No self-control and no reason why, If I don't change, then we both die, This is it for you and I. Blisters at the end of my fingertips, Praying to a God I don'

The short storie about The Banker and The Pauper

Once upon a time there lived a pauper and a banker. The first was as poor as the second was rich. So it was inevitable that the rich man will be happier than the pauper. But their natures were opposite, for the poor man was happy whereas the banker was not. The banker was annoyed of the fact that while he tossed and turned in his bed at night, the pauper slept peacefully and always awoke rested and full of energy. One day the banker could stand it no longer. He decided to find out why the pauper was a happy man inspite of his poverty. So he summoned him to his house and asked him his yearly income because he believed that happiness could only be measured in terms of wealth. "I don't count too well, nor do I really care. I live each day as it comes and never worry about the next." "Well, then, just tell me how much you earn in one day," insisted the rich man. "I earn what I need. And even that would be too much were it not for all the Sundays an

The small storie about The Magic Of Mushkil Gusha

Once in the royal city of Isfahan, there was an old woodcutter who lived alone with his young daughter. Every day, the woodcutter went out to the desert to gather camel-thorn bushes, then sold them in the marketplace as firewood . In this way, he earned barely enough for the two of them. One morning, the woodcutter's daughter said, Father, we always have enough to eat. But just once, it would be nice to have something special. Do you think you could buy us some date cakes? I think I could do that, my dear, said the woodcutter. I'll just gather some extra wood today. So the woodcutter walked farther that day to gather more thorn bushes. But he took longer than he meant to. By the time he got back with the wood, darkness had fallen. It was too late to go to the marketplace. What's more, when he reached his house, he found that his daughter had already bolted the front door and gone to bed. Knock as he would, there was no answer . So he had to sleep outside on

China’s stricken moon rover 'wakes up' after lunar night

TOPICS science and technology scientific exploration space programme China’s Yutu, or Jade Rabbit, lunar rover is functioning again after shutting down for a 14-day lunar night, officials said on Thursday. “Yutu has come back to life,” Pei Zhaoyu, a spokesman for China’s lunar exploration programme, told state media. The rover’s “normal signal reception function” was restored and scientists were working to identify the cause of a mechanical problem reported on January 25, when the Jade Rabbit entered its “sleep” mode for the freezing lunar night, the official Xinhua news agency quoted Mr. Pei as saying. “Yutu went into sleep [mode] under an abnormal status,” Mr. Pei said. “The rover stands a chance of being saved now that it is still alive.” Space officials said earlier that the unspecified problem with the solar-powered rover was due to a “complicated lunar surface environment,” but they gave no further explanations. International space expe